Page 11 - RFCUNY-2010AnnualReport

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41.2 Education 57.9 DHHS 44.0 NSF 9.7 DOE 5.5 DOD 2.7 NASA 1.0 NEA/NEH 29.8 Other Federal


28.9 Education Department 2.9 Department of Health

1.4 Science, Technology & Academic Research (NYSTAR) 3.0 Department Transportation 1.3 Department of Labor 8.3 Other

New York State

7.0 City Council

13.3 Department of Education

7.4 Department of Environmental Protection 9.4 Department of Small Business

6.6 Department of Youth and Community Development 20.2 Human Resources Administration 4.1 Office of the Mayor 15.5 Other

New York City

Government Awards by Source 2010

(dollars in millions)

$191.8 million

$45.8 million

$83.6 million


Page 11 - RFCUNY-2010AnnualReport

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