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Consolidated Statements of Activities Years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 (with consolidating information for the year ended June 30, 2010)



230 West 41st Street LLC

Grants Plus


tions Total 2009

Consolidating Information

Grants and contracts administered for others:  Revenue:

  Governmental $ 261,936,458 — — — 261,936,458 244,965,972   Private 98,586,260 — — — 98,586,260 93,652,066     Total grants and contracts revenue 360,522,718 — — — 360,522,718 338,618,038  Expenses:

  Research (122,359,213) — — — (122,359,213) (104,936,360)   Training (95,204,593) — — — (95,204,593) (97,581,267)   Academic development (98,446,915) — — — (98,446,915) (91,532,401)   Student services (35,599,223) — — — (35,599,223) (35,149,989)   Other (8,912,774) — — — (8,912,774) (9,418,021)     Total grants and contracts expenses (360,522,718) — — — (360,522,718) (338,618,038) Administrative services:  Revenue:

  Administrative fees 25,483,618 — 119,229 (94,000) 25,508,847 23,868,089   Investment return (note 3) 456,741 — — — 456,741 2,306,237   Rental income (note 6) — 11,937,389 — (2,535,373) 9,402,016 9,597,781   Donated services — — 76,997 (76,997) — —   Other 190,966 — — — 190,966 182,846     Total administrative revenue 26,131,325 11,937,389 196,226 (2,706,370) 35,558,570 35,954,953  Expenses:

  Management and general (21,697,469) — — 2,535,373 (19,162,096) (17,790,419)   Postretirement cost (note 4) (1,380,518) — — — (1,380,518) (105,838)   Grants to CUNY for central research initiatives

 (note 9) (2,300,000) — — — (2,300,000) (2,300,000)   Investment return allocated to individual colleges (582,915) — — — (582,915) (1,110,535)   Operating expenses of 230 West 41st Street LLC

 (note 10) — (4,259,713) — — (4,259,713) (4,362,815)   Interest expense — (3,927,313) — — (3,927,313) (3,986,202)   Real estate taxes (note 12) — (992,787) — — (992,787) (557,263)   Depreciation and amortization (382,797) (2,560,546) — — (2,943,343) (3,150,854)   Donated expenses (note 9) — — (76,997) 76,997 — —   Other (note 9) — (244,217) (119,137) 94,000 (269,354) (430,407)     Total administrative expenses (26,343,699) (11,984,576) (196,134) 2,706,370 (35,818,039) (33,794,333)     (Deficit) excess of revenue over expenses

 before other changes (212,374) (47,187) 92 — (259,469) 2,160,620 Other changes:

 Change in Foundation investment in 230 West

 41st Street LLC (1,547,187) — — 1,547,187 — —  Change in Foundation investment in Grants Plus 92 — — (92) — —  230 West 41st Street LLC distribution to

 Sole Member 1,500,000 (1,500,000) — — — —  Loss not yet recognized as component of net

 periodic postretirement benefit cost (note 4) (1,552,809) — — — (1,552,809) (10,488,617)     (Decrease) increase in net assets (1,812,278) (1,547,187) 92 1,547,095 (1,812,278) (8,327,997) Net assets (deficit) at beginning of year (26,756,828) 7,772,976 21,935 (7,794,911) (26,756,828) (18,428,831) Net assets (deficit) at end of year $ (28,569,106) 6,225,789 22,027 (6,247,816) (28,569,106) (26,756,828)

See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

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