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Awards by Source & College 2014

* Included in the awards of CUNY Central are approximately $15 million of student financial assistance awards administered by the central University Accounting Office.

** The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) research award program supports faculty research and leverages external funding.

Baruch 10 1,298,364 2 228,964 5 201,275 61 4,446,733 78 6,175,336
Brooklyn 30 6,526,227 4 613,607 11 673,670 37 2,603,931 82 10,417,435
City 117 33,169,978 12 1,348,239 13 6,567,109 111 9,070,055 253 50,155,380
College of Staten Island 12 1,391,187 6 952,525 9 334,791 34 2,511,991 61 5,190,494
Hunter 70 25,307,656 17 4,386,307 15 4,385,067 164 10,087,567 266 44,166,597
John Jay 20 5,318,163 3 426,178 10 5,642,868 56 5,610,122 89 16,997,330
Lehman 18 6,970,997 9 1,297,668 7 828,299 75 5,449,427 109 14,546,391
Medgar Evers 12 2,678,987 7 1,540,822 24 4,235,536 15 591,064 58 9,046,409
NYC College of Technology 11 2,280,803 8 1,646,349 3 549,287 19 2,680,686 41 7,157,125
Queens 37 16,177,038 3 1,468,965 4 1,189,780 72 11,764,804 116 30,600,588
York 8 2,691,046 3 700,000 19 2,390,816 30 5,781,862
SENIOR COLLEGES TOTAL: 345 103,810,445 74 14,609,624 101 24,607,681 663 57,207,196 1,183 200,234,947
Borough of Manhattan C.C. 4 1,388,640 10 3,000,702 1 35,322 16 1,544,083 31 5,968,747
Bronx 4 1,644,323 9 1,945,983 3 311,861 10 1,307,705 26 5,209,872
Guttman Community College 5 1,272,137 5 1,272,137
Hostos 4 2,061,503 5 1,673,387 4 1,133,099 15 2,508,598 28 7,376,587
Kingsborough 6 4,876,542 7 1,706,005 2 276,250 14 2,193,735 29 9,052,532
Laguardia 6 4,818,409 9 2,608,266 14 2,013,737 25 7,305,243 54 16,745,655
Queensborough 5 952,555 6 2,152,482 2 119,282 13 1,189,027 26 4,413,347
COMMUNITY COLLEGE TOTAL: 29 15,741,972 46 13,086,825 26 3,889,551 98 17,320,528 199 50,038,876
ASRC 1 70,500 1 70,500
CUNY School of Law 1 4,318 3 230,652 4 234,970
CUNY School of Public Health 1 50,000 1 50,000
Graduate School 21 1,699,454 5 3,568,357 10 400,594 70 7,117,127 106 12,785,532
Graduate School of Journalism 9 1,431,235 9 1,431,235
HONORS AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS TOTAL: 21 1,699,454 6 3,572,675 10 400,594 84 8,899,514 121 14,572,237
CUNY CENTRAL * 5 16,338,518 25 17,531,196 91 48,969,982 121 42,737,381 242 125,577,077
CUNY CENTRAL TOTAL: 5 16,338,518 25 17,531,196 91 48,969,982 121 42,737,381 242 125,577,077
PSC-CUNY AWARDS ** 0 3,769,218
PSC-CUNY TOTAL: - 3,769,218
FY 2014 TOTAL: 400 137,590,389 151 48,800,320 228 77,867,808 966 126,164,620 1,745 394,192,355