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Awards by Source & College 2015

* Included in CUNY Central awards is approximately $16 Million in student financial assistance awards administered by the Central University accounting office.

** The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) research award program supports faculty research and leverages external funding.

Baruch 8 1,553,450 2 234,991 4 549,156 58 5,179,993 72 7,517,590
Brooklyn 35 7,684,400 4 622,040 16 1,133,217 30 2,249,030 85 11,688,687
City 119 36,318,100 17 3,731,314 5 2,337,118 136 11,688,024 277 54,074,556
College of Staten Island 12 1,310,436 7 1,383,206 9 416,536 27 2,027,347 55 5,137,525
Hunter 64 23,381,026 18 4,674,187 13 6,356,387 175 11,306,166 270 45,717,766
John Jay 18 10,127,057 6 369,980 9 6,042,953 72 6,763,973 105 23,303,963
Lehman 19 5,025,592 7 1,203,199 7 1,267,132 76 5,994,764 109 13,490,687
Medgar Evers 10 2,367,448 6 1,418,225 21 5,978,096 11 205,789 48 9,969,558
NYC College of Technology 10 2,288,944 7 1,745,171 2 463,770 19 1,876,283 38 6,374,168
Queens 40 14,699,966 3 2,223,522 6 2,052,537 72 11,554,035 121 30,530,061
York 11 3,054,046 5 985,000 1 48,372 18 1,600,761 35 5,688,173
SENIOR COLLEGES TOTAL: 346 107,810,466 82 18,590,835 93 26,645,272 694 60,446,165 1,215 213,492,739
Borough of Manhattan C.C. 8 2,856,895 10 3,069,025 1 188,725 12 844,956 31 6,959,602
Bronx 5 1,748,428 10 1,900,962 2 156,069 14 1,446,119 31 5,251,578
Guttman Community College 3 655,059 3 655,059
Hostos 6 2,924,815 6 1,824,065 2 937,389 19 2,144,846 33 7,831,115
Kingsborough 5 1,549,717 6 1,622,743 1 231,250 15 1,764,263 27 5,167,973
Laguardia 8 5,001,346 12 2,584,038 10 1,930,491 25 7,216,072 55 16,731,946
Queensborough 8 1,279,409 6 2,143,381 3 95,643 9 1,141,017 26 4,659,450
COMMUNITY COLLEGE TOTAL: 40 15,360,610 50 13,144,214 19 3,539,567 97 15,212,333 206 47,256,723
ASRC 2 2,717,373 3 402,830 5 3,120,203
CUNY School of Public Health 1 464,548 4 444,800 5 909,348
Graduate School 23 3,078,353 5 4,478,274 9 455,772 71 7,803,821 108 15,816,220
Graduate School of Journalism 1 5,000 11 2,334,952 12 2,339,952
Macaulay Honors College 1 10,100 1 10,100
HONORS AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS TOTAL: 25 5,795,726 6 4,483,274 10 920,320 90 10,996,504 131 22,195,824
CUNY CENTRAL * 5 18,166,220 28 13,918,491 93 52,994,874 144 38,686,588 270 123,766,173
CUNY CENTRAL TOTAL: 5 18,166,220 28 13,918,491 93 52,994,874 144 38,686,588 270 123,766,173
PSC-CUNY AWARDS ** 4,014,218
PSC-CUNY TOTAL: - 4,014,218
FY 2015 TOTAL: 416 147,133,021 166 50,136,813 215 84,100,033 1,025 125,341,591 1,822 410,725,677