Page 7 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
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who has worked on the request and the last action Pivot, our principal searchable database, is also
performed upon the transaction. available to all. It is a tool that provides global
and local connections that strengthen research by
GrantForward and Pivot Databases
exploring new avenues for funding and collabora-
RFCUNY has been testing GrantForward, an tion. Some of Pivot’s features include:
online search engine that provides information to
researchers on upcoming external grant funding • Ability to identify and connect funding oppor-
opportunities. It is available to every member of tunities to researchers at their institutions
the CUNY community. Benefits include: • Access to the most comprehensive source of
• GrantForward’s specialized search algorithm funding opportunities globally
and team of specialists allow the system to • Ability to identify researcher expertise from
constantly add new and accurate funding within or outside the institution
• Enhanced communication, monitoring, and
• GrantForward’s adaptive search filters make it tracking between individual faculty, teams, or
quick and easy to find the right grant oppor- researchers and the campus Grants Office
tunities to start moving research forward
• Enables users to add internal deadlines to
• GrantForward incorporates a dynamic search critical funding opportunities and sends
engine with a personalized funding recom- weekly updates on saved searches users
mendation service to simplify the grant search organize in their own folder
Awards By Source and College 2016 (number of awards/dollar value of awards)
Federal State City Private SC-CUNY RF-DANY
Baruch 55/5.9M
Brooklyn 83/11.7M
City 269/51.7M
College of Staten Island 70/8.3M
Hunter 265/46.0M
John Jay 119/25.4M
Lehman 117/22.0M
Medgar Evers 58/12.8M
NYC College of Technology 46/8.1M
Queens 100/25.6M
York 36/5.8M
Borough of Manhattan C.C. 35/6.9M
Bronx 31/5.4M
Guttman Community College 3/0.8M
Hostos 26/8.1M
Kingsborough 25/3.6M
LaGuardia 48/13.4M
Queensborough 27/5.1M
Advanced Science Research Center 15/2.4M
CUNY School of Public Health 21/2.4M 40 60
Graduate School 104/14.7M
Graduate School of Journalism 7/1.6M
Macaulay Honors College 2/0.1M
CUNY Central 275/151.2M
PSC-CUNY Awards* —/4.0M
RF-DANY 2/42.3M
0 50 100 150 200
* The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York (PSC-CUNY) research award program supports faculty research and leverages external funding.