Page 11 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 11

Guillermo                          M. Chantale Damas

                    Assistant Professor, Chemistry              Assistant Professor, Physics
                         Brooklyn College                   Queensborough Community College
            Traditional  cancer  treatments  have  focused  on   After  attending  a  NASA  boot  camp  on  space
            destroying cancer cells, but recent developments in   weather,  Professor  Damas  knew  she  had  to  bring
            epigenetics  have  inspired  researchers  to  explore  a   the experience to her community college students.
            different approach. Epigenetic cancer therapy targets   Space weather refers to how the sun and solar wind
            biological  mechanisms  relating  to  gene  expression   impact  environmental  conditions  that  affect  both
            in order to reprogram sick cancer cells to their prior   satellites  in  space  and  technology  on  Earth.  “It’s  a
            healthy, functioning state. Professor Gerona-Navarro   great  research  subject  for  them;  there  is  plenty  of
            uses  his  three-year,  $471K  NIH  award,  Chemical   data to analyze and understanding space weather is
            Probes Targeting PRC2 Gene Repression, to develop   critical,” Damas explains. Using her three-year, $750K
            molecules  that  interrogate  PRC2  repression,  a   NASA grant, NASA Solar and Atmospheric Research
            specific  epigenetic  mechanism  associated  with  the    Program and Education Partnership,  Damas  is  able
            growth  of  cancer  cells.  Gerona-Navarro’s  novel   to create a holistic research experience for her stu-
            method  for  developing  stable  peptides  enables   dents. The highlight of the program for students is
            the lab to create and test a range of molecules for   leaving their classrooms for a summer working with
            this goal. “Understanding the complexities of PRC2   researchers  at  either  NASA  Goddard  Space  Flight
            repression allows us to determine whether inhibiting   Center or City College. For Damas, the impact of the
            the over-methylation of this mechanism restores the   program expands beyond space weather. “Research
            cell’s  ability  to  produce  tumor  suppressant  genes,   is important regardless of the field, we seek to pro-
            thereby allowing the cell to destroy itself and stops   duce individuals who have a better understanding of
            cancer from growing.”                      science as a whole.”

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