Page 9 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 9

Kuali Research                             to support the testing of rape kits that were lan-
            Kuali Research helps institutions of all kinds sim-  guishing throughout the country and coming up
            plify research administration processes and make   against deadlines to prosecute perpetrators.
            better decisions faster. With Kuali Research, one   As a result of our successful experience, more
            can  speed  funding,  reduce  risk,  and  work  more   projects are being added. These include:
            efficiently to grow research volume.       •   College-in-Prison Reentry Initiative to award
              With  Kuali  Research,  one  can  manage  the   grants to New York State educational institu-
            complete lifecycle of all sponsored projects and   tions to deliver college-level instruction and
            ensure  the  highest  levels  of  compliance  and   reentry support in select prisons
            integrity. PIs will be able to:
                                                       •   Family and Youth Development to fund
            •   Develop proposals more efficiently with   not-for-profits specializing in family and youth
              intelligent routing and approval           through innovative programming
            •   Submit proposals directly to and   •   Youth Opportunity Hubs, providing
                                   coordinated service, again through
            •   Manage negotiations more effectively for   local-not-for-profits
              faster awarding and better visibility
                                                           230 West 41st Street – RF Headquarters
            •   Manage award activity over the life of a   Our Times Square home base continues to bestow
              project and integrate with the financial system
                                                       a variety of benefits on the RF. Its central location
            •   Track research activities across the institution   offers a convenient hub for our own operations,
              for better oversight and control         as well as for many at CUNY, including its Finance
            •   Manage compliance, including COI, IRB, and   division  and  its  Graduate  School  of  Journalism.
              IACUC                                    Rental income in excess of operational costs helps
                                                       defray RF expenses, thereby mitigating the need
              The RF is currently in the process of piloting   for  our  CUNY  clients  to  be  our  lone  source  of
            this system at three CUNY institutions.
                                                       revenue. And our newly renovated main entrance
                                                       and lobby will attract and retain the type of first-
                                                       class commercial and retail tenants that will make
            The RF has from time to time undertaken surveys   the building a destination address.
            to gauge the extent to which we are meeting the
            expectations of our clients. In response to the           GrantsPlus
            urging of faculty, the RF is now engaging a profes-  Although  our  commitment  to  excellence  is  first
            sional survey firm to design and administer future   and foremost to our CUNY family, it also extends
            instruments that will annually measure our success   beyond to our other not-for-profit clients. Through
            in meeting the needs of both our principal inves-  GrantsPlus,  we  provide  a  variety  of  sponsored
            tigators and our field employees. This will provide   program support services to a wide range of orga-
            more  and  better  ongoing  feedback  than  previ-  nizations. Our clients are engaged in a broad array
            ous efforts have, and guide us in deploying our   of social services that include combatting housing
            resources to where they can do the most good.
                                                       discrimination,  providing  financial  benefits  to
                                                       low-income workers, promoting small business
                                                       entrepreneurship, fighting substance abuse, and
            In last year’s Annual Report we described a new   reducing  the  cost  of  prescription  drugs  for  the
            partnership  with  the  Office  of  the  Manhattan   uninsured.
            District Attorney. The DA had selected the RF   Revenue  from  GrantsPlus  operations  helps
            to  act  as  fiscal  agent  for  a  number  of  projects   fund RF operations.
            under  its  Criminal  Justice  Investment  Initiative.
            Programs  included  Saturday  Night  Lights,  a   Please, now, enjoy brief profiles of a few of our
            community-based  program  to  support  youth   thousands of principal investigators and their
            development, and the Sexual Assault Kit project   exciting work in the pages that follow.

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