Page 13 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 13

Jun Liang                          Naphtali O’Connor

                     Assistant Professor, Science             Associate Professor, Chemistry
                Borough of Manhattan Community College              Lehman College

            The biological process of aging is still not well   Wound  healing  is  a  complex  biochemical  process
            understood.  Researchers  have  found  a  connection   that can be hampered by medical and environmental
            between certain genes and their ability to prolong or   factors,  increasing  an  individual’s  susceptibility  to
            shorten an individual’s lifespan, but that’s not enough   infection.  Developing  biomaterials  that  expedite
            information,  according  to  Professor  Liang.  “There   the  healing  process  is  one  therapeutic  strategy  for
            are still many genes that are unknown – the set of   improving wound treatment. Professor O’Connor
            genes  we’ve  identified  is  not  enough  to  interpret   investigates this tactic with his four-year, $471K NIH
            the  bigger  picture  of  the  aging  process.  We  need   award, Polysaccharide-Polyamine Hydrogels by ana-
            to add new genes to the known knowledge.” Liang   lyzing how changes in chemical structures affect cell
            is  contributing  to  this  body  of  knowledge  through   behavior.  “A  characteristic  of  cell  behavior  relating
            her three-year, $146K NIH grant, Novel Function of   to wound healing is the rate of cells migrating into
            CLIC and TGF-beta Signaling in Stress Response   the affected area,” O’Connor explains,“ the question
            and Health Span in C. elegans. Her experiments with   is: Can we develop a material where we can boost
            nematodes (worms) have revealed a chloride channel   that rate?” O’Connor uses a polysaccharide-dextrin
            protein (encoded by the gene CLIC) contributed to   hydrogel (naturally non-reactive to cell adhesion)
            a stress response in the TGF-beta pathway. This ion   and  adds  or  changes  different  amines  (organic
            channel influences a vast network of critical cellular   compounds)  to  determine  whether  the  material
            processes in the human body. “Although the biolog-  can be transformed in a manner that allows cells to
            ical  process  is  complicated,  we  have  discovered  a   adhere. “We want to know if changing the ratio of
            gene that contributes to stress and aging.”  amines affects the process of cell migration, not just
                                                       adherence, but increasing the speed cell growth and
                                                       migration as well.”

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