Page 17 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 17

Michelle Attles                             Huseyin Yuce

              Program Director, Professional Development     Associate Professor, Mathematics
                      and Workplace Learning                    NYC College of Technology
                 CUNY School of Professional Studies

            Global  warming  is  an  important  issue  for  New   Stem cell transplants for individuals with leukemia are
            Yorkers.  In  2014,  the  NYC  Mayor’s  Office  released   very specialized, high-risk procedures. These factors
            One City: Built to Last, a plan to reduce greenhouse   also make it one of the most expensive treatments
            gas  emissions  by  80%  by  the  year  2050.  Central   for hospitals and in turn their patients and insurance
            to  the  plan  is  improving  the  energy  efficiency  of   companies. Professor Yuce analyzes the cost and
            non-residential  city  buildings  over  10,000  square   utilization of the procedure with his three-year, $60K
            feet  through  green  training  programs  for  building   STATinMED  Research  award,  Economic Burden of
            operators. Ms. Attles, with a three-year $3.9M award   Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation, to provide
            from  the  Department  of  Citywide  Administrative   policy makers with guidance on optimizing the pro-
            Services Energy Management Division (DEM) titled,   cess. By comparing longitudinal data from Medicare
            Energy Management Training program, partners   and Medicaid, Yuce is preparing a descriptive analysis
            with  the  Building  Performance  Lab  at  City  College   that clarifies the many variables involved in the pro-
            to design and administer these energy management   cess, from disease sub-types and stem cell source to
            classes. Attles focuses on a learner-centric approach   comorbidities and age. This data assessment enables
            to  education  that  ensures  students  are  successful   Yuce and his colleagues to identify key factors that
            in  applying  their  knowledge  to  their  assigned   impact the overall cost of the procedure. “This study
            building.  “The  personal  benefit  [for  students]  is,   will be an eye opener for policy makers,” Yuce says,
            ‘I  learn  something,’  but  the  impact  goes  beyond   “We’re  hoping  they  will  use  this  analysis  to  better
            the  individual.  With  everyone  working  together  to   distribute their resources.”
            learn  and  apply  energy  saving  solutions,  the  city
            can achieve its larger goal of reducing greenhouse
            gas emissions.”

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