Page 18 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 18

Yingli Tian                            Lesley Emtage

               Professor, Electrical Engineering            Assistant Professor, Biology
                      The City College                            York College
        Arctic ice is shrinking rapidly, causing large ice floes   As the US population ages, mid- to late-onset neu-
        to  break  up  into  smaller  fragments  that  pose  a   rodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s and
        danger to ocean navigation and impact climate and   Parkinson’s  disease  are  becoming  critical  health
        biology systems in the region. Monitoring this frag-  issues.  These  disorders  are  characterized  by  the
        ment movement is critical for both human safety and   accumulation of unfolded, or faulty, protein deposits
        scientific research, but the low-resolution of current   in the brain, but the fundamental cause of the dis-
        satellite  data  limits  the  ability  to  track  and  predict   order is still unknown. Professor Emtage investigates
        patterns in the ice flow. As an engineer specializing   the  cellular  phenomena  involved  in  this  protein
        in  computer  vision  (using  computer  algorithms  to   accumulation  to  gain  further  knowledge  of  these
        analyze  images),  Professor  Tian  realized  there  was   diseases  overall.  Her  three-year,  $457K  NIH  award,
        potential to improve the resolution of these images.   Cellular Mechanism Underlying Detoxification of
        Through  her  four-year,  $415K  Office  of  Naval   Mutant Huntingtin, enables Emtage to study mutant
        Research award, Tracking and Predicting Fine Scale   huntingtin, a similar neurodegenerative disease
        Sea Ice Motion by Constructing Super-resolution   to Alzheimer’s, in yeast. Using a visual approach to
        Images and Fusing Multiple Satellite Sensors,  Tian   analyze  the  huntingtin  protein’s  movement  within
        developed “Super-resolution” algorithms that dra-  the cell, Emtage can dissect the process of protein
        matically increased image resolution and allowed for   accumulation in living cells. “As we discover more
        predictive modelling. “Computer vision is generally   about the process that causes these protein deposits,
        used for industry-driven applications, but this project   we increase our understanding of the underlying
        demonstrated  how  it  can  generate  a  big  impact   causes of neurodegenerative disorders that share this
        when applied to remote sensing research.”  feature,  enabling  the  development  of  therapies  to
                                                   treat them.”

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