Page 23 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 23
NSF Career Awardees
Louis-Pierre Arguin
Assistant Professor, Mathematics, Baruch College
Statistics of Extrema in Complex and Disordered Systems,
Hysell Oviedo
Assistant Professor, Biology, City College
Mechanisms of Lateralized Auditory Processing, $725K
Louis-Pierre Arguin
Sarang Gopalakrishnan
Assistant Professor, Engineering Science
and Physics, College of Staten Island
Quantum Many-body Physics Beyond the Boltzmann Paradigm:
Many-body Localization, and Their Applications, $484K
Jean P. Gaffney
Assistant Professor, Chemistry, Baruch College
Discovery of Tunable Fluorescent Proteins from Marine
Organisms: Integrating Education and Research in the
Identification and Development of Novel Fluorescent Probes,
Hysell Oviedo
The National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award is among
the most prestigious awards granted to early career tenure-track
assistant professors. In the 2016-2017 academic year, four CUNY
faculty received NSF CAREER awards totaling $2.3M. Faculty
within the group of four recognized that their participation in
RFCUNY’s Proposal Pre-Submission Peer Review Program and
NSF CAREER workshops provided additional leverage in securing
the prominent funding. Professor Arguin submitted his proposal to
the Peer Review Program and indicated it was satisfying to receive
constructive responses from CUNY peers and the Office of Award
Pre-Proposal Support (APPS). Professor Gaffney agreed that the
Peer Review Program aided her in developing a stronger proposal
Sarang Gopalakrishnan
and found it beneficial to have reviewers who previously served
on NSF review panels evaluate her proposal. Professor Oviedo
understood the importance of peer review and sent her proposal
to a colleague for review. Her submission and subsequent NSF
award resulted in her recruitment as an NSF peer reviewer. While
relatively new to CUNY, Professor Gopalakrishnan stated he was
agreeable to submitting future proposals to the Peer Review
Program. Over the next five years, these NSF CAREER award
winners will advance the research of probabilities in mathematics,
develop open sourced teaching tools (videos and animations)
for biological processes, investigate computational physics, and
explore the discovery of new fluorescent proteins from marine
Jean P. Gaffney organisms.