Page 26 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 26

Research Foundation of The City University of New York and Related Entities

                                   Consolidated Balance Sheets
                      June 30, 2016 and 2015 (with consolidating information as of June 30, 2016)                                                2016
                                                                                                                                   Consolidating Information
                                                                                                                      Foundation   230 West 41st   GrantsPlus   Eliminations      Total        2015
                                                                                                                                     Street LLC
        Cash and cash equivalents                                                                                   $ 135,521,366   11,345,694      390,141           —     147,257,201   137,510,298
        Restricted cash (note 8)                                                                                            —        1,585,148          —             —       1,585,148      849,206
        Grants, contracts, and accounts receivable (net of allowance of $3,000,000 in 2016 and $3,800,000 in 2015)    74,883,520           —           805        (99,500)   74,784,825    66,169,359
        Rent receivable                                                                                                     —         343,310           —             —        343,310       947,094
        Prepaid expenses and other assets                                                                              1,737,857      821,118         8,668           —       2,567,643     2,900,132
        Investments, at fair value (note 3)                                                                           47,825,533           —            —             —      47,825,533    47,494,271
        Investment in GrantsPlus                                                                                         33,303            —            —         (33,303)         —             —
        Investment in 230 West 41st Street LLC                                                                         5,972,114           —            —       (5,972,114)        —             —
        Deferred rent receivable                                                                                            —       11,568,372          —        (265,036)   11,303,336     8,017,455
        Value of in-place leases (net of accumulated amortization of $2,320,843 in 2016 and $2,188,877 in 2015)             —         632,338           —             —        632,338       764,304
        Above-market leases (net of accumulated amortization of $1,531,832 in 2016 and $1,432,462 in 2015)                  —         475,714           —             —        475,714       575,084
        Deferred costs (net of accumulated amortization of $3,677,638 in 2016 and $3,371,064 in 2015)                       —        2,610,995          —             —       2,610,995     2,866,730
        Fixed assets:
          Rental property, net (note 7)                                                                                     —       44,370,383          —             —      44,370,383    45,155,538
          Furniture, fixtures, and equipment (net of accumulated depreciation of $3,263,891 in 2016
          and $3,198,848 in 2015)                                                                                       206,391            —            —             —        206,391       172,442
          Leasehold improvements (net of accumulated amortization of $722,014 in 2016 and $607,415 in 2015)             150,005            —            —             —        150,005       264,604
              Total assets                                                                                          $ 266,330,089   73,753,072      399,614     (6,369,953)   334,112,822   313,686,517
        Liabilities and Net Assets
          Accounts payable and accrued expenses (notes 4 and 6)                                                     $ 61,143,334      839,192        79,781           —      62,062,307    56,971,888
          Deferred revenue (note 5)                                                                                   93,902,173       53,577       187,030           —      94,142,780    84,852,901
          Grants payable to CUNY (note 9)                                                                              1,713,656           —            —             —       1,713,656     2,115,835
          Due to Foundation (note 9)                                                                                        —              —         99,500       (99,500)         —             —
          Deferred rent payable                                                                                         265,036            —            —        (265,036)         —             —
          Tenant security deposits payable                                                                                  —         314,939           —             —        314,939       334,403
          Deposits held in custody for CUNY colleges                                                                  76,819,311           —            —             —      76,819,311    70,962,198
          Postretirement benefits payable (note 4)                                                                      723,266            —            —             —        723,266       625,853
          Mortgage loan payable, net (note 8)                                                                               —       66,573,250          —             —      66,573,250    67,662,271
              Total liabilities                                                                                      234,566,776    67,780,958      366,311      (364,536)   302,349,509  283,525,349
        Commitments and contingencies (notes 6 and 10)
        Net assets:
            Postretirement benefits                                                                                     (723,266)          —            —             —        (723,266)    (625,853)
            230 West 41st Street LLC                                                                                   5,972,114     5,972,114          —       (5,972,114)   5,972,114     4,524,391
            GrantsPlus                                                                                                   33,303            —         33,303       (33,303)      33,303        22,294
            Other                                                                                                     26,481,162           —            —             —      26,481,162    26,240,336
              Total net assets                                                                                        31,763,313     5,972,114       33,303     (6,005,417)  31,763,313    30,161,168
              Total liabilities and net assets                                                                      $ 266,330,089   73,753,072      399,614     (6,369,953)   334,112,822   313,686,517
        See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

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