Page 28 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 28

Research Foundation of The City University of New York and Related Entities

                              Consolidated Statements of Activities
                      June 30, 2016 and 2015 (with consolidating information as of June 30, 2016)                                  Consolidating Information
                                                                                                                      Foundation   230 West 41st   GrantsPlus   Eliminations      Total        2015
                                                                                                                                     Street LLC
        Grants and contracts administered for others:
            Governmental                                                                                            $ 280,865,708         —             —             —     280,865,708   259,563,097
            Private                                                                                                  131,264,411          —             —             —     131,264,411   124,372,042
              Total grants and contracts revenue                                                                     412,130,119          —             —             —     412,130,119   383,935,139
            Research                                                                                                 (129,236,303)        —             —             —     (129,236,303)   (120,643,979)
            Training                                                                                                 (114,766,282)        —             —             —     (114,766,282)  (100,819,226)
            Academic development                                                                                     (104,104,204)        —             —             —     (104,104,204)  (106,608,837)
            Student services                                                                                          (52,610,449)        —             —               —    (52,610,449)   (45,690,460)
            Other                                                                                                     (11,412,881)        —             —             —      (11,412,881)  (10,172,637)
              Total grants and contracts expenses                                                                    (412,130,119)        —             —             —     (412,130,119)  (383,935,139)
        Administrative services:
            Administrative fees                                                                                       28,552,406          —         127,279           —      28,679,685    27,565,528
            Investment return (note 3)                                                                                  296,690         7,101           —             —        303,791       206,104
            Rental income (notes 6 and 9)                                                                                   —       17,386,761          —       (2,764,761)  14,622,000    14,483,156
            Donated services                                                                                                —             —          29,000       (29,000)         —             —
            Other                                                                                                       165,786        27,358           —             —        193,144       194,673
              Total administrative revenue                                                                            29,014,882    17,421,220      156,279     (2,793,761)   43,798,620   42,449,461
            Management and general                                                                                    (28,194,785)          —       (16,770)    2,764,761    (25,446,794)  (23,395,149)
            Postretirement credit (note 4)                                                                            10,830,433          —             —             —      10,830,433    10,660,492
            Grants to CUNY for central research initiatives (note 9)                                                  (2,300,000)         —             —             —      (2,300,000)   (2,300,000)
            Investment return allocated to individual colleges                                                          (199,128)         —             —             —        (199,128)    (224,815)
            Operating expenses of 230 West 41st Street LLC (note 10)                                                        —       (6,652,166)         —             —      (6,652,166)   (7,166,245)
            Interest expense                                                                                                —       (3,288,334)         —             —      (3,288,334)   (3,340,981)
            Real estate taxes (note 11)                                                                                     —        (I,182,387)        —             —       (I,182,387)   (1,146,573)
            Depreciation and amortization                                                                               (179,643)   (2,850,610)         —             —      (3,030,253)   (2,962,338)
            Donated expenses (note 9)                                                                                       —             —         (29,000)      29,000           —             —
              Total administrative expenses                                                                           (20,043,123)  (13,973,497)    (45,770)    2,793,761    (31,268,629)  (29,875,609)
              Excess of revenue over expenses before other changes                                                     8,971,759     3,447,723      110,509           —      12,529,991    12,573,852
        Other changes:
          Change in Foundation investment in 230 West 41st Street LLC                                                  1,447,723          —             —       (1,447,723)        —             —
          Change in Foundation investment in GrantsPlus                                                                  11,009             —           —         (11,009)         —             —
          230 West 41st Street LLC distribution to Foundation                                                          2,000,000    (2,000,000)         —             —            —             —
          GrantsPlus distribution to Foundation (note 9)                                                                 99,500           —         (99,500)          —              —           —
          Postretirement benefits changes other than net periodic benefit cost (note 4)                               (10,927,846)        —             —             —      (10,927,846)  (11,704,285)
              Increase in net assets                                                                                   1,602,145     1,447,723       11,009     (1,458,732)   1,602,145      869,567
        Net assets at beginning of year                                                                               30,161,168     4,524,391       22,294     (4,546,685)  30,161,168    29,291,601
        Net assets at end of year                                                                                   $  31,763,313    5,972,114       33,303     (6,005,417)  31,763,313    30,161,168
        See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

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