Page 29 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 29

                               Consolidating Information
                  Foundation  230 West 41st   GrantsPlus   Eliminations      Total         2015
                                Street LLC
 Grants and contracts administered for others:
 Governmental   $ 280,865,708        —             —             —     280,865,708   259,563,097
 Private        131,264,411          —             —             —     131,264,411   124,372,042
 Total grants and contracts revenue   412,130,119   —  —         —     412,130,119   383,935,139
 Research       (129,236,303)        —             —             —     (129,236,303)   (120,643,979)
 Training       (114,766,282)        —             —             —     (114,766,282)  (100,819,226)
 Academic development   (104,104,204)   —          —             —     (104,104,204)  (106,608,837)
 Student services  (52,610,449)      —             —               —    (52,610,449)   (45,690,460)
 Other           (11,412,881)        —             —             —      (11,412,881)  (10,172,637)
 Total grants and contracts expenses   (412,130,119)  —  —       —     (412,130,119)  (383,935,139)
 Administrative services:
 Administrative fees    28,552,406   —         127,279           —      28,679,685    27,565,528
 Investment return (note 3)  296,690  7,101        —             —        303,791       206,104
 Rental income (notes 6 and 9)  —  17,386,761      —       (2,764,761)  14,622,000    14,483,156
 Donated services       —            —          29,000       (29,000)          —            —
 Other             165,786        27,358           —             —        193,144       194,673
 Total administrative revenue   29,014,882   17,421,220   156,279  (2,793,761)   43,798,620  42,449,461
 Management and general   (28,194,785)    —    (16,770)    2,764,761    (25,446,794)  (23,395,149)
 Postretirement credit (note 4)   10,830,433  —    —             —      10,830,433    10,660,492
 Grants to CUNY for central research initiatives (note 9)    (2,300,000)   —  —  —  (2,300,000)  (2,300,000)
 Investment return allocated to individual colleges  (199,128)  —  —  —   (199,128)     (224,815)
 Operating expenses of 230 West 41st Street LLC (note 10)  —  (6,652,166)  —  —  (6,652,166)  (7,166,245)
 Interest expense       —      (3,288,334)         —             —       (3,288,334)  (3,340,981)
 Real estate taxes (note 11)   —  (I,182,387)      —             —       (I,182,387)   (1,146,573)
 Depreciation and amortization   (179,643)  (2,850,610)  —       —       (3,030,253)  (2,962,338)
 Donated expenses (note 9)   —       —         (29,000)       29,000           —            —
 Total administrative expenses   (20,043,123)  (13,973,497)   (45,770)   2,793,761   (31,268,629)  (29,875,609)
 Excess of revenue over expenses before other changes  8,971,759  3,447,723  110,509  —  12,529,991  12,573,852
 Other changes:
 Change in Foundation investment in 230 West 41st Street LLC   1,447,723  —  —  (1,447,723)  —   —
 Change in Foundation investment in GrantsPlus   11,009    —  —  (11,009)      —            —
 230 West 41st Street LLC distribution to Foundation   2,000,000  (2,000,000)  —  —  —      —
 GrantsPlus distribution to Foundation (note 9)   99,500  —  (99,500)  —         —          —
 Postretirement benefits changes other than net periodic benefit cost (note 4)   (10,927,846)  —  —  —  (10,927,846)  (11,704,285)
 Increase in net assets   1,602,145  1,447,723  11,009     (1,458,732)   1,602,145      869,567
 Net assets at beginning of year   30,161,168  4,524,391  22,294  (4,546,685)  30,161,168   29,291,601
 Net assets at end of year  $  31,763,313  5,972,114  33,303  (6,005,417)  31,763,313  30,161,168
 See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements.

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