Page 42 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 42

Research Foundation of The City University of New York and Related Entities

                           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                                    Years ended June 30, 2016 and 2015

        (10) Property Management Fees
        The LLC has a management agreement with a third party to manage and provide leasing services to
        the Property through December 31, 2016.  Such expenses are included in operating expenses in the
        consolidated statements of activities. Additionally, the LLC pays the property manager a commission in
        accordance with the terms of the management agreement if the property manager procures a new lease
        or an extension, renewal, or expansion of an existing lease for space in the Property during the term of
        this agreement, such costs are included in deferred costs on the accompanying consolidated balance

        (11) Real Estate Tax Exemption
        During fiscal years 2016 and 2015, the LLC obtained a real estate tax reduction amounting to $1,505,964
        and $1,459,034, respectively, relating to an exemption for the portion of the Property used by CUNY as
        a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization.
        (12) Subsequent Events
        The Organization evaluated events subsequent to June 30, 2016 and through October 28, 2016, the
        date on which the consolidated financial statements were available to be issued, the result of which had
        no impact on the Organization’s consolidated financial statements.

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