Page 38 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 38

Research Foundation of The City University of New York and Related Entities

                           Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements
                                    Years ended June 30, 2016 and 2015

          The following tables present the Foundation’s fair value hierarchy for postretirement assets, which are
        measured at fair value on a recurring basis, as of June 30, 2016 and 2015, respectively:

                                                      Fair value  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3
        Debt securities:
          Fixed income mutual fund                $     4,491,011  4,491,011   —         —
          Corporate bonds                            36,085,655      —   36,085,655      —
          U.S. Government obligations                10,132,129      —   10,132,129      —
          Foreign bonds                               4,646,732          —    4,646,732  —
          Other                                        466,693       —           —   466,693
            Total debt securities                    55,822,220  4,491,011  50,864,516  466,693
        Equity securities:
          Equity mutual funds                        33,278,982  33,278,982    —         —
          U.S. common stock                          20,299,534  20,299,534    —         —
          American depositary receipts                7,337,407  7,337,407     —         —
          Foreign stock                               3,786,264  3,786,264     —         —
          Real estate investment trusts               3,489,911  3,489,911     —         —
            Total equity securities                  68,192,098  68,192,098    —         —
        Short-term investments                       12,085,473  12,085,473    —         —
                                                  $ 136,099,791  84,768,582  50,864,516  466,693

                                                      Fair value  Level 1   Level 2   Level 3
        Debt securities:
          Fixed income mutual fund                $     3,745,428  3,745,428   —         —
          Corporate bonds                            24,875,924      —   24,875,924      —
          U.S. Government obligations                11,040,976      —   11,040,976      —
          Foreign bonds                               3,639,867          —  3,639,867    —
          Other                                        273,401       —           —   273,401
            Total debt securities                    43,575,596  3,745,428  39,556,767  273,401
        Equity securities:
          Equity mutual funds                        35,034,585  35,034,585    —         —
          U.S. common stock                          24,042,551  24,042,551    —         —
          American depositary receipts                9,774,781  9,774,781     —         —
          Foreign stock                               4,968,007  4,968,007     —         —
          Real estate investment trusts               2,876,415  2,876,415     —         —
            Total equity securities                  76,696,339  76,696,339    —         —
        Short-term investments                        7,415,633      —    7,415,633      —
                                                  $ 127,687,568  80,441,767  46,972,400  273,401

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