Page 35 - RFCUNY Annual Report 2016
P. 35

(4) Pension and Other Retirement Benefits
            Eligible employees of the Foundation and certain project personnel are covered under a defined-contribu-
            tion pension plan established with Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA). The Foundation’s
            contribution to the pension plan is based on specified percentages, ranging from 8% to 14%, of each
            employee’s  annual  salary.  Total  pension  expense  for  the  years  ended  June  30,  2016  and  2015  was
            approximately $8,700,000 and $9,100,000 respectively. There are no unfunded past service costs.
              In addition to providing pension benefits, the Foundation also provides postemployment benefits,
            including  salary  continuance,  to  certain  employees.  The  cost  of  these  benefits  is  accrued  over  the
            employees’ years of service. Postemployment benefits liability included in accounts payable and accrued
            expenses was $2,652,774 and $2,443,587 in 2016 and 2015, respectively.
              The Foundation also provides certain healthcare benefits to retired employees (including eligible
            dependents) who have a combination of age and years of service equal to 70 with a minimum age of
            62 and at least 10 years of continuous service. The Foundation accounts for postretirement medical and
            other nonpension benefits provided to retirees on an accrual basis during the period of their employment.
              The Foundation charges grants and contracts, as well as the administrative services department for
            postretirement benefit costs through the application of a fringe benefit rate, an element of which is based
            upon the estimated amount of such costs. In addition, a charge or credit is recognized in administrative
            services expenses for the difference between the actuarially determined net periodic postretirement
            benefit cost and the amount funded (claims paid and contributions to the trust).
              Information with respect to the postretirement plan is as follows:

                                                                                 2016      2015
            Change in benefit obligation:
               Benefit obligation at beginning of year                    $128,313,421   114,488,925
               Service cost                                                 4,422,423  4,116,500
               Interest cost                                                5,491,728  4,726,235
               Actuarial loss                                               2,745,648  8,993,316
               Benefits paid and administrative expenses                    (4,150,163)  (4,011,555)
               Benefit obligation at end of year                           136,823,057   128,313,421
            Change in plan assets:
               Fair value of plan assets at beginning of year              127,687,568  114,906,865
               Actual (loss) return on plan assets                          (2,684,777)  2,530,440
               Employer contributions                                       15,247,163   14,261,818
               Benefits paid and administrative expenses                    (4,150,163)  (4,011,555)
               Fair value of plan assets at end of year                    136,099,791   127,687,568
                  Funded status, recorded as a liability in the accompanying
                     consolidated balance sheets                          $      723,266     625,853

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